Monday, December 29, 2008

New Blog!

Yeah! Woo...?
I kinda only made this because I was really desperately bored,
and I have nothing else to do.
So, what shall I be writing about today?!
Not much has happened since my last blog post on my old blog,
which I don't even remember how to GET to. :D
All I remember is it was called Hobo Heaven,
and I last posted on the last day of Grade 7.
Well, this blog is called Feathered Flames,
so get used to it!

I made the layout of this blog all firey and whatnot because I can do that,
I'm just cool like that. :D
It took, like...
That's probably the longest time I've spent on something lately.

I've been drawing a lot lately!
I got a Wacom Bamboo Fun tablet for Christmas,
and I've just been drawin' and drawin'.
I doodle,
I draw for people,
and I SCRIBBLE! :)
So, anyway, here's some of the stuff I've drawn lately.

Squirrelly Cooper

My friend Jesus as an animally thingy.

(It's not pronounced like the biblical Jesus...Don't have a cow!)

A very confused little kitty/tiger thing.

Happy Husky puppy...thing.... :D

So...Yeah. That's about it on the drawing front lately.
I haven't been doing much else over winter break.
I've been trying to write a song for our band,
JAJS (Possibly renamed Feathered Flames, nobody can agree..)
to sing.
It's gonna be called 'I burnt my toast'.
It was Joey's idea.
Happy, Joey?? :P

If I finish the song, I'll post it!
Hehehe, I'm trying to remember that song Ivy gave me the idea for once.
It was called "Totally Intense" :P

That's about it!
Oh and for this blog, there won't be a "This Post's Lesson".
Instead, on each post I'm gonna write "Something You Can't Find on Google"!

Something you can't find on Google:
Curt's sanity.
I've looked EVERYWHERE,
can't find it!! :(


  1. Maybe you should consider spelling it 'haysoos'...I don't know, just a suggestion...before there's an uprising.

  2. Well, I would, but that's kinda...Y'know...Not his name..!

  3. Nice pictures! ;)

    Tizock was here!

  4. Hi Zock!! :P
    I'm drawing that wolf for you right now :D

  5. Nice fireplace! I like your drawings.
