Thursday, January 1, 2009


I totally screwed up this Getting-Back-To-Normal-Schedule thing.
I was supposed to be asleep now,
and I was gonna sleep at 9 and I was really tired,
but I decided to stay up a bit longer,
but I ended up not going to sleep.
Now if I go to sleep at 6 pm,
then I'll wake up at 7 am...
But then there's NO WAY I'm just gonna go to sleep at 9 or 10 or whatever.
I usually stay up late...
So if I stay up till 11 pm tomorrow night,
I'll wake up around 10 am on Saturday.
Bleh, I guess I can manage waking up at 9 the next day.
Then I gotta get back to school schedule.
...Well, I guess that'll work.

I've been reallllly bored.
Nothing to do. >_<
We were gonna record a song,
but I'm very cranky because of lack of sleep,
and so then of course Josh and Sam decide to laugh and mock me every time I get annoyed,
which made me more annoyed,
and eventually I just couldn't do the song.
And then Josh wanted to go home after I was laughing because he didn't get something.
So Sam went with him.
Finally, some quiet! Sheeeeshers.

So I'm just sitting here drawing and not doin' much.
Supper should be good.
...Wait, I just realized I'm goin' to bed at 6.
Grrrreat, super early.
Well, I'll be tired.
But then I'll wake up and have nothing to do :(
Ah well. =/

If anyone wants me to draw them a picture, just comment saying so!
I can draw pretty much any animal..
I don't do plants or humans though :P

Something you can't find on Google:
